Adventurers Dive Log:Cave Diving in Namibia Africa

Adventurers Dive Log


Cave Diving in Namibia

by Charles Maxwell Capetown South Africa

Some of the best cave diving in the world plus spectacular semi-desert scenery , game and river canyons can be found in Namibia, a friendly African country that borders South Africa. Charles Maxwell has personally been involved in six cave diving expeditions in this region. The most memorable trip was in 1987 to head a diving team to film, map and explore Dragon's Breath Cave for the first time. This huge underground lake, the largest in the world, was discovered by the South African Spelaeological Association the previous year.

The water in the underground lakes and sinkholes in Namibia is exceptionally clear and pleasantly warm. The visibility in Dragon's Breath and Harasib has been estimated to be in excess of 150 metres. For the more adventurous divers, water depths of well over 100 metres can be found. A good knowledge of advanced rope climbing techniques is required for some caves.

The most impressive caves include :

Dragon's Breath Cave, only discovered by South African speleologists in 1986, is the largest underground lake in the world.

Harasib has a spectacular 120 metre abseil from a hole in the roof to the beautiful cobalt blue lake beneath.

Aigamas Cave is home for the catfish Clarias cavernicola unique to this cave.

Guinas Lake is one of only two places that the multi - coloured indigenous fish Tilapia guinasana can be found.

Otijikoto Lake is where the retreating German army dumped their weapons during the First World War. Field guns and ammunition boxes still lie in 50 metres of water, perfectly preserved. Other relics are housed in the war museum in the town of Tsumeb.

For more information contact Charles Maxwell
or you can write to:

The Cave Diving Officer
The South African Spelaeological Association
Po Box 4812
Cape Town
South Africa

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